low Temperature all-resin carbon fiber tape CS300, like its name, has the characteristics of ultra-low printing temperature. Compared with similar resin products in printing temperatue is reduced hy 4-6 degrees, which can reduce the print head damage and prolong the print headlile by more than 30%. CS300 is widely used in printing of various materiats (such as PET, PVC, PE, synthetie paper and coated paper), and is applieable to bar code ptinters {such as Zebra, Argox, Datamax, Intermec...].The product has unmatched abrasion resistanee. CS100 adopts patented hack coating teehnology, which can reduce the abrasion of the print head, deerease the static electricity generated, Brevent the print head lrom being dirty, and other multiple protections. Compared with similar resin produets its printing noise is lower by more than 15dB.